Recap of the JCGS Music Meeting February 6, 2018

We enjoyed another very full evening of excellent music and camaraderie at the beautiful Paschal Winery in Talent. There were 36 people in attendance.
Rob and Karma Rhodes – Carollan’s Farewell by Allen Alexander, Mrs. Farrell by Turlough Carollan
Rob Rhodes – Be Thou My Vision (Irish trad.)
Bill Graham – Black is the Color of My True Love’s Hair (American trad. of Scottish origin), A Tribute to Rodrigo (original)
Bob Bath – Borsalino by Claude Boling, What a Wonder World by Bob Thiele and George David Weiss
Steve Bismark – Manha de Carnival and Gentle Rain by Luis Bonfá
John Swinnerton – Untitled original
Joe Thompson – Cantiga by Anonymous, Fantasia-Sonatina by Joseph Thompson
Steve Berman – Tumbalalika (Yiddish folk song)
Steve and Arturo – Along the Road, Kalinka (Russian trad. songs)
Arturo Ville – James’ Song by Arturo Ville (for his son)
Grant Ruiz – Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman by Bryan Adams
Brian Parris – Sweet Thames Flow Softly by Ewan McCall
Norm Fletcher – The Well (from “Platero y yo”) by Castelnuovo-Tedesco, inspired by poetry of Juan Ramón Jiménez
Steve Berman and Arturo Ville will play Russian music at the 2018 Russian Potluck Winterfest in Grants Pass to celebrate the sister city relationship with Rubtsovsk, Russia. It goes from 5-8pm this Saturday, February 10. You can find more information at
Celebrate Valentine’s Day with an afternoon concert featuring classical guitarist Dr. Wenjun Qi and flutist Lisa Nichols on Sunday, February 11, from 3 – 4 p.m. at the United Church of Christ in Ashland, 717 Siskiyou Blvd. Nichols and Qi will play Carmen Fantasy by Francois Borne, Milonga No. 5 by Fernando Carlos Tavolaro, and Three Italian Love Songs from various operas. With a nod to Mardi Gras, Nichols will also perform A Night in New Orleans by Erik Ewazen. Suggested donation is $15. For more information about this concert, please call 541-778-6715.
Grant Ruiz will play this Friday, 2/9 at J’s Bistro with Dan Fellman, 6-8pm; this Saturday, 2/10 at Belle Fiore with Dan, 5-7pmWednesday, 2/14 at the Winemaker’s Dinner at Belle Fiore with Dan, 5:30-8pmThursday, 2/15 at JPR’s 37th Annual Winetasting, 6-9pm at the Ashland Springs Hotel; Saturday, 2/17 at a house concert in Portland, 7:30-10pm, with Berto Boyd celebrating his birthday. If you’re interested in this last concert, RSVP to
Guitarist James Bishop-Edwards will perform works of John Downland with singer Pat O’Scannell on Saturday, February 24 at 7pm and Sunday, February 25 at 4pm. See for more information.
Wenjun Qi, the SOU guitar instructor, has a guitar orchestra that meets at SOU on Friday afternoons (1-2pm) with the goal of performing March 11. Please contact her at for more information.
Guitarist/singer Komac Tapp performs at El Tapatio Mexican restaurant on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 5:30-8:30pm.
James Bishop-Edwards will be our featured artist for the March 6 meeting. GFA Youth Competition winner Travis Johnson will be our featured artist in April.
JCGS Board member John Swinnerton was approached by a staff member of local radio station KSKQ about having a slot there for his playing. He is thinking it could be an opportunity for guitar society members to share their music over the airwaves.
Treasurer Rob Rhodes reminded everyone to pay their dues, $20 for the calendar year, and they can be paid any time of year. Dues help support our ongoing expenses (state and federal fees, venue insurance, and website hosting) plus additional efforts like bringing guitarists to the area for concerts. Even though it’s voluntary, we ask that everybody who attends our meetings pays dues. If everybody who attended tonight paid dues, we would have raised $720.
Respectfully submitted,
Grant Ruiz
Flamenco and classical guitarist
Adjunct guitar instructor, SOU
Secretary, JCGS